Our technical team has developed a cooling water remote monitoring and control system, CP Monitor, which enables early identification of operating conditions deviating from the design envelope and prompt implementation of corrective actions.


CP Monitor receives the following inputs from the instruments integrated in the system:

Make-up and Blowdown flow rate


Make-up and Circulating water conductivity

Cooling Tower inlet and outlet temperature

Redox Potential

Corrosion Rate

The operating parameters are recorded and plotted real time in order to identify any anomaly in the system. Alarms are generated when the operating conditions deviate from the design envelope. CP Monitor can also be linked to the dosing pumps and blowdown valve to adjust system operating parameters.

This interactive system transmits real time operating data remotely via Internet or telephone network, thus enabling continuous monitoring of the plant operating parameters. Our staff can intervene from remote 24/7 if required, in order to return the system to the normal operating conditions and avoid costly shutdowns and plant upsets.